The Lady - Silk or Iron

Posted on: 06/01/2012

Over the Christmas period, I went to see the film about Aung San Suu Kyi, the leader of Burma’s main opposition political party. To her people, she is simply "The Lady".

The Lady won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991, yet has spent most of the intervening 20 years under house arrest. Her peaceful campaign against Burma’s totalitarian military regime has been an inspiring contrast to the violence that is commonly the hallmark of resistance movements.

No words can fully convey my respect for Burma’s "Silk Lady".

One of the film trailers I caught while awaiting the start of "The Lady" was for a movie about former UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. This film is entitled "The Iron Lady".

Whatever one thinks of Mrs (now "Lady") Thatcher’s politics, there is no doubt she is a very courageous politician who forever changed the political landscape of the UK.

Perhaps Burma’s "Lady" will follow Mrs Thatcher’s path and become Prime Minister of her country.

That thought leads me to another: it should be possible for a woman (or Lady!) to become the political leader of ANY country. It is a disgrace that so many countries effectively bar women from such high office.

I am aiming to lead a campaign during 2012 for women to be enfranchised to become political leaders in every country on this planet. Countries that fail to meet this test should be banned from the UN and other similar organisations. They must be ostracised until women are given absolutely the same political freedoms as men.

I hope you will join me in this campaign.

Happy New Year!

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