Grumpy Granny's Blog

70 entries available.

Could A Change At The Treasury Follow The Change At The BBC - Click here to view this entry

Could A Change At The Treasury Follow The Change At The BBC

Sat Apr 29 2023
As I am retiring from public life, this is my last ever post- and I leave with all guns blazing! Richard Sharp and Andrew Griffith were a Director and Chairman of the Advisory Board respectively of the Centre for Policy Studies, a think tank founded by Margaret Thatcher. No doubt Rich & Andy got on famously. By 2013, two other people who were getting on famously were Rupert Murdoch, owner of....
Why I Can Be Content - Click here to view this entry

Why I Can Be Content

Sat Nov 25 2017
Women tend to be more realistic than men. After all, we seem to spend a significant part of our lives listening to men, whilst knowing, realistically, that we cannot believe much of what we hear. All my many years of life have brought home to me two crucial pieces of realism. Firstly, about money. Money only has the value that the powerful are prepared to ascribe to it. The vast majority of....
Parenting: Don't Be Hard On Your Children - Or Yourself. - Click here to view this entry

Parenting: Don't Be Hard On Your Children - Or Yourself.

Sat Dec 31 2016
I listened to discussions today on TV about the impact of alcoholic parents on their children. I would not wish to minimise this impact. Or the impact of  parents who gamble; or are drug addicted; or lazy; or unemployed; or low intelligence; or have no taste in clothes; or are anti-social; or are shy; or are over-confident or........ And so I could go on. The truth is that, on cursory ex....
Women's Rights: Where? When? - Click here to view this entry

Women's Rights: Where? When?

Thu Dec 22 2016
A lot of rubbish is written about women's "rights". There are 195 countries in the world and in very few of them do women have the same rights as men. Of course, there are many countries where the majority of the population have few rights. Typically, these are countries where government and the economy are both under the control of small minorities, who allow their fellow citizens little wealth....
Of Course Having Children Makes A Difference - Click here to view this entry

Of Course Having Children Makes A Difference

Mon Jul 11 2016
Apparently, Andrea Leadsom didn't mean to say that having children gave a parent a bigger stake in the future. SHE SHOULD HAVE MEANT IT - BECAUSE IT IS TRUE. Those without children fend for themselves, often very selfishly. They may play the role of affable Aunts and Uncles, but that is very much a " great to have them, better to give them back" scenario. Decent parents, on the other hand, are ....
Lets Have Floods - Of Honesty. - Click here to view this entry

Lets Have Floods - Of Honesty.

Mon Dec 7 2015
Watching on TV so many ladies of my age again being rescued by boat from houses in Carlisle, only 6 years after being told it wouldn't happen again for 250 years, made me think about honesty in politics. Thinking done. There isn't any. There is so little governments seem to be able to do about any issue of import. The Prime Minister should have a sign on his desk " The Buck Has Died And Who The....
Hilary Clinton - A Leader In Waiting No Longer? - Click here to view this entry

Hilary Clinton - A Leader In Waiting No Longer?

Sun Sep 6 2015
The United States has not had a female President since inception. To date, apparently, no mere woman has been equipped to fill the Oval Office. In 2015, are over 200 Million women living in the 50 States of the Union. Yet the males chauvinists deny that any one of  them is ripe to take over the reins of power? Hilary Clinton is a first-class candidate for the Presidency. Lets be honest.Th....
The Boat People - Leaving Lands Where Hope Has Died. - Click here to view this entry

The Boat People - Leaving Lands Where Hope Has Died.

Sat Apr 25 2015
The tragic pictures from just off the coast of Sicily earlier this week highlighted the plight of many who will never take such a boat journey. Our planet is in a pitiless mess. Almost everywhere you look, there are huge problems  which seem insoluble. The most obvious, of course, are in the Middle East and North Africa, with Syria and Iraq both in a state of civil war. Then th....
Plumpton: Here I Come. - Click here to view this entry

Plumpton: Here I Come.

Mon Dec 15 2014
I am not at all grumpy today  because I am off to wonderful Plumpton racecourse. Plumpton has always been one of my favorite tracks.  Firstly, it is easy to get to. 40 minutes from Victoria, you arrive at a little platform at the bottom end of the course. After that, it is a 5 minute stroll up the side of the course to the quaint old stand, where the great and the good mingle with their....
FGM - We Need To See Lengthy Prison Sentences. - Click here to view this entry

FGM - We Need To See Lengthy Prison Sentences.

Mon Oct 27 2014
Female Genital Mutilation is one of the great scandals of our time. This barbaric act is estimated to have been carried out on over 170,000 women now living in the UK. There is NO justification for this brutality towards women. No cultural or religious excuse is acceptable. IT MUST STOP RIGHT NOW. So far, not one successful prosecution of either doctors or parents has been achieved in the UK. T....
Divorce - Don't Split Your Money With Lawyers! - Click here to view this entry

Divorce - Don't Split Your Money With Lawyers!

Tue May 27 2014
Now that Legal aid for divorce has disappeared, there are some interesting scenes being acted out in UK Courts. Instead of assessing the merits of fine words crafted by members of the legal profession, Judges are now more likely to have to implement the rules of the Marquess of Queensberry. Yes, boxing matches between estranged spouses are quite common! Where couples decide not to....
Elderly Care Is Poor - And What Do We Expect? - Click here to view this entry

Elderly Care Is Poor - And What Do We Expect?

Wed Apr 30 2014
Poor care for the elderly will again feature on the Panorama programme tonight. Ever before the screening of this latest expose, there are cries of outrage in the broadcast and printed media,calling for new regulations and controls to solve the problems. Sadly, what is needed is not a raft of political or regulstory measures.We already have enough of those which don't work. Instead, our Society ....
Who Could Be Grumpy Today? - Click here to view this entry

Who Could Be Grumpy Today?

Fri Apr 18 2014
It is really not possible to be grumpy today. As I look out of my window to the lovely countryside near Bath, the bright sun has clearly badly warped my personality. Usually, I can find something to complain about. Today, though, all is well with the world, or at least my portion of it. Part of my pleasure is from just walking my dog. She is a pretty little mongrel, as I used to be, and,a....
Spare A Thought For Paltrow ; She Does. - Click here to view this entry

Spare A Thought For Paltrow ; She Does.

Mon Mar 31 2014
Gwyneth Paltrow has lost a husband this week . She has also made few friends by claiming life for her as a mother and actress is harder than for women with less demanding roles. Many have scoffed at La Paltrow's moans. In doing so, her critics are chosing to ignore some simple truths about Thespians. Firstly, creative people are almost always at least a chapter short of a full script.Sometimes t....
Crown Persecution Service?  - Click here to view this entry

Crown Persecution Service?

Mon Feb 24 2014
I am the first one to stand up for women - but sometimes we really do not merit the term " fair sex ". A case in point is the decision making of Alison Saunders , the Director of Public Prosecutions. I am told Alison is a keen dancer and it may well be the case.No matter how light she is on her feet,however,she has certainly been heavy-handed in her dealings with the celebrity sex accusations. ....
Don't Allow Yourself To Be Badly Treated By Saucy Hollande. - Click here to view this entry

Don't Allow Yourself To Be Badly Treated By Saucy Hollande.

Sun Jan 19 2014
President Hollande of France does not exactly look like a "Ladies Man". Somehow seeing him astride his Scooter doesn't stir the senses in the same way as the likes of Steve McQueen powering up his Harley. Of course, looks are not everything.He may have the charm of Maurice Chevalier or the romantic singing voice of Charles Aznavour. Then again, he may just be a "powerful" man. Power in its....
For Girls, Confidence Still Big Issue - Click here to view this entry

For Girls, Confidence Still Big Issue

Fri Dec 6 2013
In many ways, life is better for women in the UK than it has ever been before. Sex descrimation has eased considerably, though there remains work to be done.For example, there are still many women who receive less in wages than their male colleagues. Also,we still need to see a far greater presence for women in the House of Commons.The corridors of political power remain an area of male dominatio....
Time For Queen To Step Down? - Click here to view this entry

Time For Queen To Step Down?

Fri Oct 25 2013
Being a Gran myself, I know all about the difficulties in getting the balance right between benefiting from from the experience of older people and, on the other hand,letting younger people have their head. Our beloved Queen has precisely this predicament. The photograph yesterday of four Monarchs together-the Queen , Charles,William and George-highlighted the need for the current encumbent to m....
Local-It Just Isn't The Same. - Click here to view this entry

Local-It Just Isn't The Same.

Sat Oct 5 2013
I don't consider myself old-fashioned but I am certainly not young any more. As you can tell from the graphic, I am not exactly Miss World.As far as I can remember, I have never been in that category  in the looks stakes and one thing that has not deteriorated over the years is my memory. Which gets me on to the subject of "local". When I was a girl, growing up in suburban London,local me....
Living Long,Living Well? - Click here to view this entry

Living Long,Living Well?

Mon Sep 30 2013
We are on average living longer than we have ever done before.Girls have a year or two on the boys, but both sexes can expect to reach 80 these days. Living longer is of course only part of the story.Sadly,many reach a stage in life where quality does not match up to quantity.Deterioration of mental faculties can be particularly distressing for both the elderly and their loved ones.Perso....
Here Comes Royal Ascot! - Click here to view this entry

Here Comes Royal Ascot!

Sat Jun 15 2013
My favourite racing event of the year is about to take a bow - yes, Royal Ascot is just around the corner!
I love Ascot. It just oozes glamour.
Gorgeous ladies (including me!) wearing wonderful dresses and even more lovely hats.
And then there are the men-some of the most handsome males to be found anywhere, all making a real effort to look their best.
So ....
Rollovers? Only For Lotteries! - Click here to view this entry

Rollovers? Only For Lotteries!

Thu Mar 7 2013
I love a little flutter on the Euromillions Lottery, especially when the prize is up to this week's level of £44m.

Of course, the big prizes only become available through the passing of a number of weeks when the lottery is not won. As most of us now know, this is called a "rollover".
So rollovers deliver big prizes - and not just in the lottery industry.
Retire And Die? - Click here to view this entry

Retire And Die?

Thu Feb 14 2013
As a growingly old person myself, I am staggered at the decision of the Pope to retire.
Popes don't retire- they die on the job.

No Pope has retired for 600 years. That is a very significant historic precedent for not taking a pension. Apparently, Pope Benedict travelled to Cuba and Africa last year and found it all very tiring. His doctors advised him not to travel again o....
Burgers Not At The Races - Click here to view this entry

Burgers Not At The Races

Fri Jan 18 2013
I have always had vegetarian tendencies - but living without the occasional bacon sandwich would definitely drive me nuts. However, the latest revelations from Fiasco (Every Fiddle Helps) that their beef burgers might have finished unplaced at Ascot recently has revived my interest in salad days.
It used to be easy to whip up an interest in plant life but recently sales of organic veget....
Kate's Baby - Girl Talk - Click here to view this entry

Kate's Baby - Girl Talk

Mon Dec 10 2012
It is lovely that Kate and William are having a baby. They seem a devoted young pairing, so unlike the Charles/Diana combo. One excellent new twist to this Royal tale is that if the offspring is a girl, the recently mooted changes to rules of succession mean the young lady will be third in line to the throne. Prior to this change, the princess would have been behind every male child born to th....
Nadir of Nadine - Click here to view this entry

Nadir of Nadine

Sun Nov 18 2012
I like independent ladies. I am one myself.  However, sometimes we girls don't help ourselves.
Take Nadine Dorries, a Conservative MP.
Nadine is paid a reasonable salary to serve her constituents. Part of the service she is meant to deliver is being present in Parliament to discuss and vote.
However, Nadine doesn't believe anyone is really interested in the going....
65 Not Out - Click here to view this entry

65 Not Out

Mon Oct 22 2012
I am delighted that it has now been recognised that those of a certain age still have much to offer. Clearly, the main reason the Government has removed automatic retirement is undoubtedly to save money in the shape of reduced State Pension outgoings. However, a useful by-product of the financial imperative is that those of 65 can no longer be thrown on the scrapheap. If they want to work on....
Birth Control - Or Manslaughter? - Click here to view this entry

Birth Control - Or Manslaughter?

Wed Sep 26 2012
I am a firm believer that there are too many children on our planet. Like their parents, most of these children are destined to live in poverty and die young. It is a well known phenomenon that in the poorest countries, families tend to be larger.  This is partly because of a lack of adequate birth control but the main reason is that parents allow for a high mortality rate when planning t....
Poverty? Not My Problem! - Click here to view this entry

Poverty? Not My Problem!

Mon Sep 24 2012
I have to say that I have never found politicians attractive but the current bunch are perhaps the least attractive in my long lifetime. The UK’s Terrible Twins have the fixed smiles of synchronised swimmers and the charisma of wet dish cloths. In the States, the position is even worse. The President has proven to be a good talker but little more. However, the least appealing figure o....
Prince Harry And The Girls Eager To Join The Cue? - Click here to view this entry

Prince Harry And The Girls Eager To Join The Cue?

Wed Aug 29 2012
The manoeuvres Prince Harry was on in Las Vegas did not seem to come from any Sandhurst training course. The Rampant Royal seems to have devised his own offensive strategies. The photographic evidence suggests that these were successful in overcoming any token resistance. I have to admit that Strip Snooker is a new one to me. In my heyday, Poker was the game of choice for budding naturists. ....
Money Matters - But Freedom Matters More - Click here to view this entry

Money Matters - But Freedom Matters More

Thu Aug 16 2012
These days , the most noteworthy aspect of marriages is how they end. Access to children is often an important point but, mainly, arguments between estranged partners centre on money.  Usually, the women is trying to get a share of the joint marital financial assets. I have to say that I am not a great advocate of joint bank accounts.   The idea seems to have its roots in a time whe....
Religion and Poverty - Click here to view this entry

Religion and Poverty

Sun Jul 8 2012
I have just been listening to the "God Slot" on BBC Radio Four. Some songs say it all and that was certainly the case with the first Hymn this morning. The title? "Come With Me Because The Journey Is Long". One of religion's main themes is journeying.  In Catholism, there is even a patron saint of travelling, St Christopher.  I suppose the great sailor Columbus was named after St C....
Ladies' Tennis - The Game's Up - Click here to view this entry

Ladies' Tennis - The Game's Up

Thu Jul 5 2012
As you might imagine, I am a great champion for our sex. I demand equitable treatment for all of us. However, in watching Wimbledon in the last couple of weeks (it’s about my 60th time watching this wonderful tournament), it really hit me that ladies' tennis is generally of a mediocre standard. There is just not the variety, quality and excitement that one finds in the men's game. Yet....
The Childish and The Cynical - Click here to view this entry

The Childish and The Cynical

Wed Jun 27 2012
I was at Royal Ascot last week. I love the horse racing but I love the dressing up even more! Mind you, fine clothes do not maketh the man. I saw many a well dressed man behaving like a 6 year old child. For example, I was having dinner in the Stag restaurant and bar, when a besuited idiot put an empty glass on our dining table. On being handed the glass back, he glared and threw it under ....
Getting the Hump with Eurovision - Click here to view this entry

Getting the Hump with Eurovision

Tue May 29 2012
I watched last week's Eurovision Song Contest because I had nothing better to do. Correction: I THOUGHT I had nothing better to do! Even though there was a semi-final stage (apparently there has been for several years but I have never watched) but around 20 awful songs made the final. The songs were so bad that it is difficult to criticise the singers - but I will anyway. The lady from A....
Democracy means rule to consent; consent to inequality - Click here to view this entry

Democracy means rule to consent; consent to inequality

Wed Apr 11 2012
This website sings the praises of cash - and quite rightly. First and foremost, if you have cash you have individual freedom that you don't have without it. A cashless society would be one where individual freedom was curtailed, in favour of central control, whether by Government or card schemes. Some might say that the worst of all worlds would be a card scheme operated by a Government. Sin....
Adopt new policies for UK adoptions - Click here to view this entry

Adopt new policies for UK adoptions

Mon Apr 2 2012
I was reading last week about another actress who has decided to adopt a baby. This got me thinking again about how the rules applying to adoption in the UK need to be changed quickly. It is a sad fact that it is often women who are ill-equipped to look after children who end up having several. Now, I don't want to get into a debate regarding the "Benefits" safety-net, which some people ar....
Flights of fancy - but no cheer - Click here to view this entry

Flights of fancy - but no cheer

Mon Mar 19 2012
I love what in my days of innocence were called "the pictures". "Movies" is the more common name now but, whatever the name, I have to wonder if they are as good now as they were way back when. I don't get to the pictures as often as I would like. However, I do stay in touch with most of the latest releases when I fly. A long flight can see me get through 4 or 5 films. Sometimes I watch so m....
If you have a dog, walk it - Click here to view this entry

If you have a dog, walk it

Fri Jan 20 2012
It amazes me how many professional dog walkers there are these days. Of course, in one way, it can be portrayed as being good that some employment has been created. However - and it is a huge HOWEVER - I am dead set against this trend. Similarly, I don't agree with people who have children and then pass-off their off-spring to nannies and the like. Too many dogs are for "show" - and, far....
The Lady - Silk or Iron - Click here to view this entry

The Lady - Silk or Iron

Fri Jan 6 2012
Over the Christmas period, I went to see the film about Aung San Suu Kyi, the leader of Burma’s main opposition political party. To her people, she is simply "The Lady". The Lady won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991, yet has spent most of the intervening 20 years under house arrest. Her peaceful campaign against Burma’s totalitarian military regime has been an inspiring contrast to ....
Women winning - Click here to view this entry

Women winning

Fri Dec 23 2011
There has been quite a lot of publicity recently about the fact that no women made the shortlist in this year’s BBC Sports Personality of the Year. As the economy has deteriorated, a higher percentage of those thrown on the scrapheap have been women. The French President, Mr Sarcastic, recently felt he had the right to advise the world that Angela Merkel, the German President, is over....
A bitter pill for Pro Life? - Click here to view this entry

A bitter pill for Pro Life?

Fri Dec 9 2011
The Pregnancy Advisory Service is recommending that women stock up with contraceptives, including morning after pills, for the Fertile (er, FESTIVE) Season. This has provoked an angry outcry from Pro Life, an organisation famous purely for its wistful thinking. Of course, in Pro Life’s ideal world, morning after pills would not be required. Captain Sensible and his Good Lady (only one....
It is enough to stop you smiling - Click here to view this entry

It is enough to stop you smiling

Fri Dec 2 2011
We girls like to have our secrets. My secret was always my figure. While I may have looked slim, underneath my lovely dress was usually a pair of "magic pants" responsible for creating the perfect silhouette that was the envy of others. Then there is the fake tan that helps me - and many other ladies -  create a healthy glow even in the darkest depths of a cold, dark British winter. Of ....
It is the BHA which needs to be horsewhipped! - Click here to view this entry

It is the BHA which needs to be horsewhipped!

Fri Nov 11 2011
You will have gathered from previous blogs of mine that I like my horse racing. Actually, I love it! Now this great sport is being ruined by the British Horseracing Authority, whose brown-nosing of the RSPCA has lead to the introduction of crazy rules re the use of whips in races. The UK has many of the best jockeys in the world. The vast majority of those jockeys -indeed all who are invol....
Age of Austerity?- not whilst the poor stay that way - Click here to view this entry

Age of Austerity?- not whilst the poor stay that way

Fri Oct 7 2011
Being the age I am, I have lived through many "economic cycles". In fact, in my lifetime, the UK economy has fallen off its bike so many times I am a little surprised our small island's financial "wheels" have not been permanently buckled. Of course, every time we are in an economic trough, it seems unlikely we can ever get out of it. This can be slightly depressing until one remembers that we....
Schools should throw pupils a lifeline - not out! - Click here to view this entry

Schools should throw pupils a lifeline - not out!

Fri Sep 2 2011
I was always a little lazy when I was a schoolgirl. I felt that there was a whole lot more to life than school work. I therefore spent plenty of time getting myself educated at the "University of Hard Knocks" i.e. taking risks in my life away from the secure nests provided by school and home. Of course, when I was a girl there was a lot less pressure on performance than there is now....
The Mother Load - Click here to view this entry

The Mother Load

Fri Aug 12 2011
I travel a fair amount. They say travel broadens the mind. Sadly, I have found it also broadens the hips. Whether the food is airport or airline, it travels to only one place on my body; and it stays well beyond its welcome. Anyway, apart from eating, what I do a lot of when I'm travelling is talk. It passes the time and you do meet some very interesting fellow voyagers. For example, I bum....
Dress (non) Sense - Click here to view this entry

Dress (non) Sense

Fri Aug 5 2011
It was a lovely Royal Wedding recently and I think the new Duchess Kate seems like a nice girl BUT already I see warning signs that too much is being asked of this still young woman.
Bad enough that she had to embark on a tour of North American that would have made Christopher Columbus wince.
Worse still that our new Royal had to meet with Hollywood Stars who were painted by the me....
Staggering Stella - Click here to view this entry

Staggering Stella

Fri Jul 29 2011
I often skim through a copy of The Grocer on sale in the newsagent where I work part-time. Cosmo it isn't – but it does have some very interesting articles.
For example, although I admit I enjoy a tipple myself, I was staggered (and so probably were the consumers) to learn that the UK public slurped nearly £530M of Stella Artois in 2010! That is almost half as much again as the ....
(Slow) Motion Pictures - Click here to view this entry

(Slow) Motion Pictures

Mon Jul 25 2011
Did you know that I love the cinema?
I first started going when I was about seven (the Saturday Morning Kids Club at the Odeon, where the main entertainment was throwing ones Kiora carton over the balcony edge) and have never stopped since. Fairly recently I have discovered the delight of HMV Cinemas. They are very "clubby", with cosy auditoriums where they show films that often don't m....
Times Are Hard For My Namesake! - Click here to view this entry

Times Are Hard For My Namesake!

Thu Jul 14 2011
One of my fav shops way back in the 1970s was Jane Norman.
By then I had moved on from Carnaby Street (Swinging Sixties and all that Rock!) to Oxford Street, where JN had a lovely shop.
I remember the shop for two reasons (apart from the fact it shared my name!).
Firstly, the clothes were wonderful - just what I needed to look my best at every occasion (especially since by t....
Interest Rates Unchanged - NOT LIKELY! - Click here to view this entry

Interest Rates Unchanged - NOT LIKELY!

Fri Jul 8 2011
Every month now for as long as I can remember, the Bank of England worthies who decide what happens to interest rates have decided "no change".
This should of course be reassuring to those of us who have a little debt - we should have no more to pay if interest rates stay the same.
However, as ever, there is a trick in the tail (or in this case, a kick in my curvy ass!) That trick ....
Cash IS Cool - and saves money! - Click here to view this entry

Cash IS Cool - and saves money!

Mon Jul 4 2011

As you know, I enjoy my little jaunts to foreign parts.
Of all the wonderful places I have been lucky enough to visit, Italy is undoubtedly my Numero Uno.
Why? Well, superb weather, great food, friendly people, historic buildings and gorgeous scenery all play their part BUT now another reason has been added to the roster.
Some of us ....
Saturday TV - Click here to view this entry

Saturday TV

Mon Jun 27 2011
I stayed in on Saturday - what a mistake!
TV was truly dreadful, culminating in an indescribably bad "chat" show run by Lee Mack.
The basis of this show seemed to be that all the audience had to either be ugly or look like someone famous (or both).
Let's just say that the audience did not let us down - but Lee Mack certainly did.
Lee can be funny but in this awful veh....
Horsing Around Again! - Click here to view this entry

Horsing Around Again!

Fri Jun 10 2011
I took a rest from my tipping last week- the shock of my first fancy trailing in last was enough for me to hit Mothers (or Grandmothers!) Ruin in a big way.
I had to allow my alcohol levels to return to normal before sharpening my pencil again for use on betting slips!
This weekend is really the lull before the storm (or, if you prefer, the caps before the hats!) since Royal Ascot ....
My First Tip! - Click here to view this entry

My First Tip!

Fri May 27 2011
Isn't this exciting! My first ever racing tip on Cash-is-Cool!
Before I give it, let me announce my preferences in terms of jockeys, the rather important people who asssist our four-legged friends to victory (or so we hope!). Over the jumps, there can be only one selection i.e. the Real McCoy! Yes, Tony McCoy, the greatest jump jockey of all time. Champion jockey for 16 consecutive y....
Horse Sense?! - Click here to view this entry

Horse Sense?!

Fri May 20 2011
This week Grumpy Granny tells us all about her love of Royal Ascot and her penchant for a bit of a flutter...
Every year, I am lucky enough to go to Royal Ascot (like a Royal Wedding, but less sermonising!), so I know a thing or two about the Sport of Kings. I love wearing my wonderful hat in the Royal Enclosure - and throwing it in the air when I back a winner! Anyway, now I am no....
Cash is Cheap (and Cool!) - Click here to view this entry

Cash is Cheap (and Cool!)

Thu May 12 2011
Grumpy Granny shares her love of cash, and lets us all in on the inside scoop about how using cash rather than plastic can really help to save the pennies... I have already made clear that I love my cash. I have loved men more, but only for brief interludes. Cash has been my life-long companion.
I keep a good stash under my bed, and whilst I am in no danger of vertigo, it is certainl....
Happy Holidays? - Click here to view this entry

Happy Holidays?

Wed Apr 27 2011
Grumpy Granny talks Bank Holidays, Beaches, and Brighton...
Valueing as I do my little job, I find it a bit annoying that many people welcome the Bank Holiday season because "I can escape from work!".
I am prepared to allow a little slack here (as much as my tummy perhaps) for those who genuinely have horrible jobs but, despite endless trying, cannot find anything better. <....
The Price of Economic Miracles - Click here to view this entry

The Price of Economic Miracles

Wed Apr 6 2011
This week our very own Grumpy Granny shares her musings on a recent visit to China...   I am a very lucky lady. An old friend (most of mine are rather old!), invited me to Beijing. It is a long way to go; but then he is a VERY old friend. Arriving at the airport was amazing in itself: absolutely huge, with more still to come. I would guess it is the largest airport in the world in t....
Earning Your Crust, Betraying Our Trust. - Click here to view this entry

Earning Your Crust, Betraying Our Trust.

Thu Mar 24 2011
This week, grumpy granny holds forth about the national job shortage, and encourages us to look past the tales from the finger pointing tabliods, to see what is actually going on... Most of us only make the cash we need to live through finding a job and keeping it. Even at my age this is increasingly true. Last year saw a record number of people in the UK over 65- more than 900,000 of us -wo....
Tax Me If You Can! - Click here to view this entry

Tax Me If You Can!

Thu Mar 17 2011
This week, Grumpy Granny speaks her mind on the planned petrol tax rise, and suggests that George Osbourne takes a pointer or two from his saintly namesake...   Most people hate being taxed. It is often painted as an issue of personal freedom: "it is my money and they take it away from me in taxes" but, in reality, it is about greed. Everybody wants to keep more of their money so they c....
Our freedom to grow up... Or stay young - Click here to view this entry

Our freedom to grow up... Or stay young

Mon Mar 7 2011
Grumpy Granny discusses free choice for the younger generations and her own Peter Pan attitude... Like every other human since the time of A & E (that's Adam and friend, not Accident & Emergency), I have been tempted to be naughty. And I have not always resisted. Actually, to be fair, I have seldom resisted. Former friends have told me that I will never grow up. That is why they qualify for ....
Cash is my friend, young man! - Click here to view this entry

Cash is my friend, young man!

Mon Feb 28 2011
Grumpy Granny puts the world to rights this week and hits back at Visa’s talk of cash being the enemy. My mother (bless her and her funny old ways) always used to tell me to ‘look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves’. Now, of course, Mummy was alive long before credit cards arrived on the scene. She was never seduced by the advertising of the card i....
The Joys of John Lewis - Click here to view this entry

The Joys of John Lewis

Tue Feb 22 2011
Grumpy Granny tells us why John Lewis is her favourite place to spend her cash! Like Morse...I need my Lewis, except the first name of mine is John. Yes, the retail favourite of the mature ladies (or at least THIS mature lady) is definitely John Lewis. I use all of the retail flavours offered by John Lewis and the word that immediately comes to mind is SERVICE. Whether enjoying the range of ....
Racing Certainties - Click here to view this entry

Racing Certainties

Fri Feb 18 2011
This week Grumpy Granny gives us the lowdown on the Ladies’ Day at the Races! I’m a devoted fan of the Races, but even if you’re not, I think most people have some type of pre-disposed opinion as to what a day out at the races must entail. I always think that going to the Races is a fun way to spend your cash on a day out, and, when I do win, it’s always great to ha....
The Wonders of Westfield - Click here to view this entry

The Wonders of Westfield

Mon Feb 7 2011
Can you imagine Grumpy Granny in a Topshop frock or Kurt Geiger shoes? Us neither, but this week Grumpy Granny totters off to London's largest shopping centre and checks out the highs and lows of Westfield… As any of my friends would tell you during a shared bitch over a cup of Skinny Latté, I am not exactly a clothes horse. I am told that Kate Moss can wear a sack and look attractive. ....
Toodle pip to the most depressing month of the year and hello to February! - Click here to view this entry

Toodle pip to the most depressing month of the year and hello to February!

Wed Feb 2 2011
Grumpy Granny celebrates the end of January and discusses the payday woes of the most depressing month of the year. End of the worst month! Yes, January is finally over! I have always thought it odd that we all madly celebrate the dawn of a new year - then along comes miserable old January. Okay, so THIS January was slightly better than the last in some respects… there was less snow I guess,....
Plastic? Only For My Cosmetic Surgery! - Click here to view this entry

Plastic? Only For My Cosmetic Surgery!

Tue Jan 25 2011
This week Grumpy Granny talks about cutting up her cards and the highly topical issue of McDonald's payment methods… Hello all, I was particularly delighted to be asked to contribute to cash-is-cool because I really love the stuff! I actually only have one plastic card, my trusty Lloyd's debit card. It's all I need. I use it at my local ATM to get my cash out three times a week ('little an....
I've seen it all before! - Click here to view this entry

I've seen it all before!

Mon Nov 29 2010
This week Grumpy Granny introduces herself and tells us why she's seen it all before… Hello folks. Oh, I know you will be wondering why an old girl like me is writing for such a youthful web site… Well, let me tell you, I was wondering that too - and then I realised that I needed the cash they pay me to supplement my pension. Anyway, I will try not to show my age (although I do wear....

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