Boycott The Corporate Tax Avoiders

Posted on: 19/11/2012

There was a brilliant article in the Sunday Times yesterday, exposing those companies which are highly profitable but pay virtually no corporation tax in the UK.

The article identifies the culprits and also alternatives one can use to reward those companies that make a contribution to the UK exchequer.

Being a married lady on PAYE, I can't avoid any tax. So I am particularly keen not to use retailers and service providers that do.

For example, I have stopped using Starbucks. I don't like their coffee anyway and I know the locally run Expresso bar will have to pay taxes, so in future that's where my money will be spent. In cash, of course.

What does annoy me though is that in some cases there seems to be no alternative to using the tax avoiders.

Thames Water is a case in point.

Thames have 13 Million customers and over £600 Million in profit before tax last year, yet received over £30 Million in tax rebates. I hate using them but what is the alternative?

Maybe I will wash in Evian.

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